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Through an open-pit mining system, the coal we produce has a calorific value of between 4,600 to 5000 GAR (Gross As Received) with a size of 0–50mm = 90%. At 4,600 to 5000 GAR calories, our coal has a high melting point (AFT), reaching 1,350 degrees Celsius to 1,400 degrees Celsius, which makes it optimal for combustion in boilers. This means that our products are in great demand from various industries, especially the power generation, cement, and smelting sectors.

Melalui sistem penambangan dilakukan dengan open pit, batu bara yang kami hasilkan memiliki nilai kalori antara 4600 s/d 5000 GAR (Gross As Received) dengan ukuran 0-50mm = 90%. Dengan kalori antara 4600 s/d 5000 GAR tersebut, batu bara kami memiliki titik lebur (AFT) yang tinggi, yaitu mencapai 1.350oC – 1.400oC sehingga sangat optimal untuk pembakaran di boiler. Produk kami banyak diminati oleh berbagai industri, terutama industri pembangkit listrik, semen, dan peleburan.

Superior product quality has led to demand soaring rapidly since we first commenced operations. At present, we have an average production capacity of between 70,000–100,000 metric tons per month. This is a sizable capacity for the Bengkulu region.

Kualitas produk yang baik telah membuat permintaan melonjak pesat sejak awal kami mulai beroperasi. Saat ini, kami memiliki kapasitas produksi rata-rata antara 70.000 - 100.000 metrik ton per bulan.  Ini merupakan kapasitas yang besar di wilayah Bengkulu.

Our concession area has reserves of around 30 million metric tons, which is estimated to be able to meet client demand for at least the next 10 years.

Dalam area konsesi kami, diperkirakan memiliki cadangan sebanyak 30 juta metrik ton. Jumlah tersebut diperkirakan masih dapat memenuhi permintaan klien untuk 10 tahun ke depan.
In order to guarantee the quality of the products that reach our customers, each batch we produce passes a sample test from the independent testing institution PT Sucofindo. The testing process is carried out starting from the time of coal dredging (coal gating) and before the shipping process at the pile stock location (pre-shipment).

Guna menjamin kualitas produk yang sampai di tangan konsumen, tiap batch yang kami produksi telah melalui uji sampel dari lembaga uji yang independen, yaitu PT Sucofindo. Proses uji dilakukan mulai dari saat pengerukan batu bara (coal gating) dan sebelum proses pengiriman di lokasi stok pile (pre shipment).

From the mining location, our products can be shipped through two alternative ports: the public port of Baai Island in Bengkulu, which is approximately 165km from the mining location, and via the special port of Titan Wijaya coal, which is 25km from the site. From these two ports, coal is then transported using a barge to the mother vessel, which is anchored at the Bengkulu anchorage (Baai Island estuary) using the ship-to-ship method.

Dari lokasi penambangan, produk kami dapat dikirimkan melalui dua alternatif port, yaitu melalui pelabuhan umum Pulau Baai di Bengkulu dengan jarak kurang lebih 165 km dari lokasi penambangan. Alternatif kedua, melalui pelabuhan khusus batu bara Titan Wijaya yang berjarak 25 km dari site. Dari dua port tersebut, batu bara kemudian diangkut menggunakan tongkang menuju mother vessel yang berlabuh di Bengkulu anchorage (muara Pulau Baai) dengan metode ship to ship.

Jl. Blora No.27, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat - INDONESIA 10310
Phone : +62 21 391 1683, Email : info@bencoolenmining.com
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